Friday, January 16, 2009

Game against Trenton High School. THS-61; PHS-51

A hush fell over the locker room following tonight's game. In a game where a 9 point half time lead was turned into a 10 point loss, there was nothing to say.

In the 1st half, it looked as though Princeton High School had some poise and patience running its offense and on the other side of the ball, stifling defense to hold Trenton to only 21 points. PHS made its shots in the paint and most of its free throws.
Then came the second half.

It started out well for The Tigers, a couple lay-ups here and there ballooned the lead to 12 points. Then, Trenton went on the offensive. When the smoke had cleared, Trenton claimed the lead for the first time in the game, and never looked back.

PHS tried to prolong the game by fouling in the last minute and at one point cut the lead to 7 points, but like all the teams PHS has played this year, Trenton made its free throws. During Trenton's comeback, the basketball being played was fast, sloppy and mistake-ridden but it was Trenton who was able to make order out of the chaos.
From the second half score of 30-21 in PHS's favor, the game resulted in a 19 point turnaround. Trenton scored 40 points in the second half to PHS's 21.

It seemed as though Trenton was a better team than they looked in the first half and they displayed its true talent in the second half. They hit more of their shots, decreased the turnovers and stopped the PHS attack dead in its tracks.
Skye Ettin had the high score with 20 points and 3 rebounds, Brian Dunlap had 8 points 6 rebounds and 4 assists, Devon Holman had 7 points and DeQuan Holman had 6 points and 8 assists.

Although a very tough loss for PHS, they will have to try and shake it off because they take on Northern Burlington in a non-conference game tomorrow, January 17 at 11:30 a.m.

By Jamie Peretzman

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