Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Scrimmage against RIverside High School: PHS-75; Riverside-36

Princeton High School improved to 2-0 in the pre-season with their win over Riverside High School on Wednesday, December 10.

After a long bus ride in the pouring rain, the team arrived at the gymnasium and only had 10 minutes to warm up. This proved not to be important after Princeton came out and scored 18 points in the first quarter. 

Confusing Riverside with its press, and scoring many of its points off fast breaks, it looked as though the hard and long practices were paying off. 

Skye Ettin led the scoring with 23 points, DeQuan Holman followed with 19 points, and Brian Dunlap had 13 points. 

PHS's next game will be against Florence High School on Friday, December 12 at Florence. 

By Jamie Peretzman

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